I love me some Mac

I love me some Mac

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

another movie revue

Don't worry i liked this movie alot.  the movie that i watch was adventurous, breath taking, captavating, two really really big thumbs up, and most importantly it was awesome!!!!!!!!!!  what was the movie, what breath takeing, ingenious, piece of videography did i watch it was none other than, bum bum bum.  The legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole.

Holy crap that was a great movie, I'm not even goin to tell you what i loved so much about this you just need to go see it your self. Lets just say that at the end of it i stood up through my arms up in the arm and screamed. whooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea its true go see it

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How am i tired

Ok so I'm confussed and bewildered, and i kinda think that those to things mean exactly the same.  ok so heres my question of the day. ready? no that wasn't the question my question is,

 how do thing that require very little energy to do drain so much energy out of you.

Example.  Driveing 8 hours makes you sleep 10, and laying in the sun drains so much from you.
Yes for the first one I can understand why it makes you tired.  you have to remain constanly focused, using all brain functions to keep your car and family  from a firey drash and burn.

But sun batheing!? are you kidding me. thats all i have to say today. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why did resident evil suck so bad

Ok so before I start, I'm going to apoligize for the fact the there will be a lot of misspelled words, grammer issues and other problems with my blogs, if these things bother you I am sorry but, its going to happen.

Anyway, the other day i went and saw the new resident evil in 3D and honestly it sucked.  Sorry, if you liked it more power to you, and if you haven't seen it please feel free to.  i suggest seeing it in 2D if you deside to.  Here my top three reasons why i felt that that movie just well, sucked.
1. Special effects......  I don't know if it was the fact that i was watching 3D or if the movie was not produced properly, but i thought it was horrible. Once again if you saw this movie and liked it ok cool your opinion, and this is simiply my opinion.
2. Why does it take so long to kill the bad guy.... yes i understand its a movie, and in movies there is dead dead and movie dead, but how many times can someone movie die.  and i don't care if its a movie or not no body is goin to survive and plane crash directly into mount kilimanjaro and survive....
3.  Lastly yes my third opinion on why this movie was a waste of 14 dollars is because, how funny is it that the guy who broke out of two prisons in the amazing hit series prison break was the man who lead them out of a prison.  i can't remember the name of this actor, and don't get me wrong i like him and so does my girl friend, but i find it very very very very funny that he broke them out of prison.

ok so that was my frist blog, hope you liked it thank you very much more to come.