I love me some Mac

I love me some Mac

Monday, October 17, 2011

Where to start.

Making a movie is a very large project, some may say burdon, to take on, but in the end it is more rewarding than.... well almost anything. The first step to making your movie is to start with an idea." An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you." That quote was from my favorite movie Inceptions and it can be directed toward your movie. You movie is going to grow from the smallest idea. Then it will grow to define what your movie is about. The idea will consume you, every minute of your life you'll be thinking about your idea. Until finally your finished your idea is write there infront of you on the screen. and trust me that is a great day. 

So where do you get an idea. Ideas can come from anywhere, but I really doubt someone is going to sneak into your dreams while you sleep and give you inception. I think thats how you use that word. Anyway, Ideas start from inspiration. So to get an idea you have to figure out what inspires you. Don't be afraid to feed of of movie that you love. And Definitely don't be afraid to explore genres that you normally would be interested in. For example. with me I'm currently working on a horror film. I really don't like the horror genre. Personally I think its become more about the gore and not about the scaring. So I want to make a movie that doesn't gross you out but scares you out of your seat. 

So how did I get my idea. I started with some music that was creapy and I started writing. After writing my script I went back to OG the original of scary movies. Hitchcock. To get your idea sit and think listen to something different. Do something new or even talk to some people who you normally don't

Next week we will talk about script writing. 

If you have any question or topics you want to talk about leave a comment.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Where have I been?

Honestly I haven't really been any where.  The last blog I did was when i watched the owl movie, that was back in september of 2010.  So whats happened since then.  In one easy world.... Alot.  Lets see, I'm currently back in school, here at HCC. I'm taking film classes, learning how to better myself at my trade.  I'm 23 now, getting old. and tried but oh well.  I'm still actively involved with my church, but now I run the Video productions department, which includes me.  But I hope to Grow, who know maybe it could even turn into a job one day.  I'm still out of work but i'm in school attempting to better my self.

Movies that I have seen let me think.

Oh of course Inception.  All time greatest movie. I loved that movie so so freaking much.  The Effects were awesome, the acting was  great, the story was amazing, the editing was unbelievable and the cinamatography was freaking five big big stars. I think that it's pretty easy to tell that I loved that movie. If you haven't seen it, I would say go see it now.

Tron. That also was a great movie, i didn't get the pleasure of seeing it in 3D but i was told by a very close friend of mine that it was amazing in 3D. Sadly I watched the movie at the poor, non-digital, theater in my home town, but I tried to enjoy it any way, and i was successful.  I Love That Movie.  I hadn't seen the original but  still fell into the story fast. Later on I was given the  original movie, and i found it pretty cool  how much they stuck with the original story in both movie. No matter what my dad says I think Jeff Bridges is a Really good actor.  And it was pretty cool that they had him as a main character in both movie. So if you haven't seen Tron, go rent it on dvd or from a red box.

One more movie that i saw that i really like was also a Jeff Bridges Film, and a remake.  True Grit.  This was another movie that I hadn't seen the original but I still enjoyed it.  When I watched it I was a little put off by the way that they talked.  But i really got into it after a few minutes, when I looked into i found that the dialog in the movie was done just like the original movie where the dialog in that movie was done like the book was written. Normally I'm not a very big western fan, but this movie was really good.  There was a few continuity issues though, and feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, things like the girl is in a river fighting a bad guy and she is soaking wet, but the next shot she comes walking out of the water and she's dry.  I was told that this was done in the original movie as well.  My favorite problem was from the end of the movie. The girl is bitten on the right hand by a rattle snake, but when jeff bridges cuts her hand to suck out the venom its from her left hand, and at the end she's missing her left arm instead of the right.  Either way i really liked that movie.

One movie that I saw recently that I HATED (notice that word is all caps cause I really hated this movie) was Red Riding Hood. If your a twilight fan, also know as a 13 year old girl, yea this is a good movie.  But please, if you know, tell me why in the world you would make a wear wolf movie that has barely any action, a horrible story, and a wear wolf that looks like a hair great dane. Also i'm not a big gore fan, and by gore I mean blood and guts in a movie not Al Gore, but it's a freaking movie about a wear wolf my girl friend even complain about there wasn't any blood in that movie.  So please Don't see this movie, trust me you will feel like you were hung up  by your feet and forced to eat pizza with cat hair and anchovies on it.

I'm promise that I've done a lot more than watch movies since september but i like to type about movies even if they did suck.  More blogs to come. be sure to my youtube channel for vlogs and fun movies.  www.youtube.com/mrharrisproductions

Talk to you later